International Investment Platform

Legal Disclaimer
  • I have read, understand and accept the investment proposal.
  • I agree to keep my login details secure and not share them with anyone else.
  • I confirm the information I have given to my financial adviser is true, correct and complete.
  • I understand the fees associated with the investment. I authorize the payment of these fees and understand that this will result in disinvestment from my Investment Portfolios.
  • Advice fee mandate:
    • I understand that I may at any time instruct Liberty/STANLIB to stop deducting or facilitating the payment of any future ongoing advice fee, or I may at any time instruct Liberty/STANLIB to change the amount of any ongoing advice fee.
    • I agree that the ongoing advice fee will continue until or unless I request Liberty/STANLIB to cancel it.
    • I understand that any ongoing advice fees agreed to may continue to be paid where the Financial Adviser moves between authorised Financial Services Providers (FSP), provided the FSP is contracted with Liberty/STANLIB.
  • Where applicable, I understand that my Financial Adviser may work in a Liberty approved team and therefore any advice fees may be shared with the team. I understand that, if my Financial Adviser is part of a Liberty approved team and is unable to receive the advice fee, then the advice fee will become payable to another Financial Adviser within that approved team.
Adviser, Platform and Discretionary Mandate Declaration:
  • I confirm that the financial adviser who has loaded my Investment Application is my appointed financial adviser.
  • I understand and confirm that Standard Bank International is entitled to act on my financial adviser's instructions, whether in written, verbal or electronic format as if they were my own. The platform is indemnified against any losses, claims or damages arising from the platform acting on such instructions.
  • I confirm that, when investing in investment solutions managed by INN8 Invest/Stanlib Multi-Manager, I agree to be bound by the INN8 Invest/ Stanlib Multi-Manager model portfolio mandate.
  • I confirm that where my financial adviser and/or discretionary investment manager is a Category 2 Financial Service Provider and we have a discretionary mandate in place, that my financial adviser is licensed to exercise discretion and submit instructions on my behalf.

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Standard Bank is a licensed financial services provider in terms of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act and a registered credit provider in terms of the National Credit Act, registration number NCRCP15